Tales of Barcroft

Our neighborhood celebrated its 100th birthday in May of 2003 with an original stage play titled Tales of Barcroft

The play was about early Barcrofters, featuring many characters from Barcroft's past. Interspersed with their vignettes were traditional tunes of the period.

Dr. John Barcroft
For whom the neighborhood was named
Played by Phil Cackley

Song: Home Sweet Home

Frank Corbett
Owner of the property before it was called Barcroft
Played by Phillip Twomey

Song: Farther Along

Stephen Preston Wright
Real estate developer
Played by Dan Junker

Lula Fox Wright
Stephen's wife
Played by Maureen Locke

Song: Let Me Call You Sweetheart

Oscar Haring
Owner of the country store
Played by Phil Cackley

Eddie Haring
Young man around Barcroft
Played by Danny Cackley

Song: Seeing Nellie Home

Tommy Foley
The Haring's delivery boy
Played by Steve Wilson

Song: Hard Times

Annie Doremus Marye
Wife of Sidney, mother of Adaline
Played by Sera Junker

Sidney Marye
Father and creator of the 1903 Barcroft News
Played by Dan Junker

Song: Sweet Sunny South

Adaline Marye Robertson
Child of Barcroft, born here and still with us after 100 years!
Read all about "the baby at the Marye's" in the 1903 Barcroft News
Played by Ana Cackley

Song: Keep on the Sunny Side

Louise Bridges Payne
Sufragette who staged protest parades in DC
Played by Cecilia Cackley

Song: Happy Birthday to Barcroft

The Moderator
Opens and provides the narrative thread of the play
Played by Carl Modig

The tunes were sung by Alicia Cackley and played by a band consisting of Kathy Kerr on fiddle, Maureen Locke on guitar, Michael Nazaretz on accordion and Steve Wilson on flute and penny whistle.

Barbara Swart wrote and produced the play.
Randy Swart was Best Boy.

Maggie Modig designed the set.

The Stage crew consisted Kelly Hendrickson and Sera Ellis as lighting designers and Randy Swart as Lighting Manager. Tickets and sales were handled by Pat and Daniel Williamson Edwards.

Kitchen stalwarts who fed the multitudes included Teresa Saunders, Sally Breeden, Veronica Moreno, Kathy Moreno and Marlene Oronao.

Photos above mostly by Phil Cackley. Video by Jim Kerr.

The play was presented in two well-received performances on May 16 and 17, 2003. Then we presented it again on July 19th for Adaline Marye Robertson and her family at the Hermitage, where she now lives, during her family's celebration of her 100th birthday on July 20th. Here are some photos from that performance, taken by Polly Swerdlin.

Adaline was in the front row this time!

Oscar Haring, store owner, holding forth.

Ana Cackley as Adaline, circa 1912.

And the lady herself, July 19, 2003.
The following day she became 100 years old!

Happy Birthday, Barcroft!! Happy Birthday, Adaline!!

Updated on: October 29, 2023.